Before you start the treatment of parasites, accurately it is important to determine what is the species present in the body. It is necessary to find effective methods of treatment, such as most of the drugs developed specifically to get rid of certain species of worms.

Is worms, protozoa
Sometimes the phrase you can hear that the patient is infected with a protozoa, worms. Man must understand that one of the simplest is exclusively single-cell micro-organisms, or at least to organize the colony. But he never multicellular worms and worms.
The simplest of all the processes occurring inside the cell cytoplasm and cell nuclei, while worms is the anatomical organization is much more difficult: they have different bodies that perform special physiological functions. Therefore, to classify the worms of the simplest is completely wrong.
Sometimes called helminths protozoan parasites compared to insects: bedbugs, lice, etc., because a lot of the latter is higher on the evolutionary ladder. In this sense, the name my worms, protozoa allowed.
- Symptoms, treatment and prevention of sarcocystosis in humans.
- Do black worms in humans.
- How do the eggs of worms.
The most common parasites
The most common internal parasites are, of course, helminths (worms), which according to various estimates, infected more than 80% of the world population.
A huge number of these parasites are divided into basic types:
- nematodes – round worms (roundworm, pinworm, species of Trichinella, whipworm, etc.);
- cestodes – tapeworms (lantecy, pork and beef tapeworm, tapeworm, etc.);
- trematodes – worms, flukes (liver -, blood -, lung -, and flukes, which live in the intestines).
Sometimes you can find a more General classification, according to which people of all kinds of parasite is divided into:
- luminal (intestinal) parasites in the intestine;
- tissue, local and other organs tissues.
Consider a brief description of the most common types of worms.
Roundworms (nematodes)
- Roundworm – nematodes length are common of 20-40 cm, parasites in the small intestine, but first move to the human body, which affect the blood and the respiratory system. Together, these intestinal parasites can be detected in the liver of the gall bladder in ny, ny heart lungs. Symptoms and Common ascariasis allergic reaction.
- Pinworms – small worms, up to 1 cm, affecting the intestine and lead to enterobiasis disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, fatigue, sleep disorders, etc. The characteristic symptoms of pinworms is itching in the anus, where they lay eggs.
- The species Trichinella – these microscopic worms (their size is in vain a few millimeters) cause serious diseases – trichinosis, which can lead if untreated to death. Adults of the species live in the human muscles (respiratory, face, etc.), causes of muscle pain, fever, swelling, allergic dermatitis.
- Vlasoglavy – worms small (length 4.5 cm, the front part of the body
the spiral form), the larvae, which cause trihozefalez diarrhea, abdominal pain acute and other symptoms similar to acute appendicitis. As a result of intoxication anemia.
Tapeworms (cestodes)
- Tapeworm, the body length, which extends up to 10 m, with lead to the development of difillobotrioz nausea, weakness, vomiting, unstable chair, asthenia and anemia.
- The pork tapeworm has a length of 3-8 m, mainly in the small intestine of the parasite and cause two diseases: taenia in its and dyspeptic, asthenic-neurotic abdominal syndromes yes with cysticercosis intoxication, intestinal, allergic respiratory and symptoms. Depending on the localization of cysticerci affects the muscles, brain, heart, eyes, etc.
- The beef tapeworm, the length of which can be 18 m, and causes the beef tapeworm infection is considered to be one of the most dangerous kinds of worms. If you don't do the deworming, it can stay in the body for up to 18-20 years! Is localized in the colon, causes severe poisoning and their waste products, as well as diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, anemia, allergic reactions and problems with the nervous system.
- The dwarf tapeworm in vain for a length of 1.5-5 cm source gimenolepidoz diarrhea, pain and asthine production-neurotic syndromes, which affect mainly the gastrointestinal tract the nervous system and and liver.
- Echinococcus is considered the smallest tape worm – its length is 2.5-8, rarely 9 mm, but the infection's terrible consequences, such as ny liver to the lung, where they and formed cysts tumors, causing dysfunction of these organs.
Worms, flukes (trematodes)
- Liver fluke or the liver Fluke-shaped plate, with a length of 30-50 mm and a width of 8-13 mm, the suction cup. It will harm the follicles and the liver blocking the bile ducts, fully that is capable of blocking the flow of bile. Can lead to liver cirrhosis, jaundice, cancer and liver.
- Cat (Siberian) - sucker or cat fluke, a flat worm length 4-13 mm. Localization channels the gallbladder and liver pancreas. Causes opisthorchiasis the development of gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, until the liver cancer, which can lead to death.
- The lung Fluke is an ovoid shape, red-brown body with small spines, length 7.5-12 mm width 4-8 mm. Affects the lungs, causing inflammation, pleural effusion, focal fibrosis, and lung cancer. When the penetration into the brain and cause encephalitis meningoencephalitis.
- Shistosoma (blood boy flukes) – dioecious worms, whose size is 1-2 cm, the eggs, which cause an increase in liver, spleen and lymph nodes, formation of polyps in the intestines, diarrhea, granulomatous inflammation, leading to cancer of the bladder.
Diseases that they cause
The most dangerous parasites living in the human body, can cause a variety of diseases. Very often, the disease caused by a specific parasite, has the same my name like he has. Thus, a variety of parasites in humans can cause the following diseases:
- certain parasites of man (flukes) trematode provoke;
- it cestodosis occur when you lose tapeworms;
- if an adult or child's intestines are the round worms, nematodes, that diagnose;
- leeches cause the hirudin to;
- Arctocephalus provoke skrebat.
However, parasites in the human body can not one hit the body. Depending on the localization of the parasite in the human body identify the following parasitic diseases:
- Loss of the eye can be onchocerciasis, demodicosis, cysticercosis, and myie o;
- Diseases of the digestive system, which cause single-celled parasites, and helminths – ascariasis, trichinosis, hookworm, enterobiasis, intestinal myie o and metagonimus;
- The brain diseases – echinococcosis, toxoplasmosis, and cysticercosis alveococcosis;
- Dermatological disease – demodicosis, pediculosis, scabies, pulicosis, trombit look, ftir, look;
- Lung pathology – hydatid disease, ascariasis, acariasis, alveococcosis, tomingas, etc.;
- Diseases of the liver opisthorchiasis, alveococcosis, echinococcosis, clonorchiasis a;
- The mouth, ears and mouth parasites can cause a variety of myie o;
- Pathology of the cardiovascular and dirofilaria hydatid disease;
- Diseases of the genitourinary system alveococcosis, urate miazakin, echinococcosis;
- The pathology of vessels – filaretin and schistosomiasis.
Flat worms
Flat worms, or flukes (trematodes), is characterized by the leaf shape in the body. Their structure is very well organized — he are the digestive, excretory and nervous system. During the life cycle of their owners.
Widely used like this:
- Siberian Fluke (cat fluke), or opisthorchis. The most common infection is raw fish of the season, which leads to quite a dangerous disease opisthorchiasis. Reproduction of the parasites occurs very quickly, which can lead to serious consequences. The worms are yellowish, and their length can be up to 12 m. Anchored in the human body, these parasites cause internal bleeding, break bile outflow, causing a malfunction of the pancreas. Dangerous effects: purulent cholangitis type, ahilii, cholangiocarcinoma.
- Liver Fluke. Intermediate hosts are representatives of the cattle, and the people of the stabilisation and association agreement infected by eating poorly processed meat of infected animals. As a result of infection develops the disease tribe to be able to cause liver disease. The size of these worms is relatively small (not more than 5-6 cm), but they can cause a dangerous disease: liver abscess, cholangitis, hepatitis. The blood of the son through to the larvae of the parasite spread throughout the body.
- Shistosoma. A worm can reside in the blood vessels, consume the blood of the son components. As a result, his life can develop varicose veins, tumors. The main symptom — a severe General intoxication.

The human body can detect a huge number of different worms-parasites, can gain a foothold in the various internal organs. They cause chronic diseases, which can cause serious pathology. At emergence of symptoms of helminth infections of any man need to consult a doctor to start appropriate treatment.
Beef tapeworm
Beef tapeworm length can reach 12 m. It is a hermaphrodite that can produce more than 100,000 eggs, they are excreted in the faeces. Eggs from the soil, then the plants, these plants eat the cattle. The body of an animal, the eggs become larvae, which are localized in the muscles. Eat If a person infected beef, the larvae enter the intestine. From person to person, the larvae did not care.
Adult worms have a head with four suckers, neck and body, which is composed of segments. The number of segments is constantly growing, Mature segment can be separated from the worm crawled to the man's intestines out out.
Beef tapeworm
The symptoms are nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, increased salivation, dizziness, weakness, nervousness, fatigue, abdominal pain uncertain localization, allergies, fluctuations in appetite.
In order to beef tapeworm from the body schema, which consists of 3 phases: preparation (body cleansing), for the treatment of antiparasitic drugs, recovery (diet, herbal medicine).
Tape worms
Worms, the tape-type or cestodes, are a variety of flat worms, the length of which can vary from 2 mm to 10-12 m. The body of these parasites has a special structure — multiple segments, neck and head with suction cups (with hooks) for attaching to the wall. It cestoda is a hermaphrodite eggs and are the segment. The nutrients in worm sucked through the entire surface of the body.
The following are There common types of tapeworms:

- Alveolar. It Can cause cholangitis and abscess, but also spread to spleen, muscle, brain and.
- Cep me, or tapeworms. Beef tapeworm inspire disease beef tapeworm infection, and usually is in the small intestine. Serious complications — cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis. Worm, This can lead to such consequences: atrophy of the intestinal sheath, Gunter glossitis, leukopenia.
Protozoan parasites
Toxoplasma gondii (Toxoplazma gondii) is a species of the parasite, the primary host cats are. Can also be used to transport warm-blooded animals and humans. Disease caused by Toxoplasma is called toxoplasmosis. Course of the disease is easy, with the exception of damage to the fetus inside the mother's womb during pregnancy, causing serious consequences, for both mother and fetus, even death.
Amoeba simple unicellular separate, one of which is considered to be the first creatures that lived on Earth. The disease caused by the amoeba, is called amebiasis. Intestinal infection, mainly ulcerative lesions of the colon, the emergence of bloody diarrhea, it is possible the formation of secondary intestinal damage, which is a tendency to chronic.
Malaria parasites – the simplest one-celled creatures, during development, the owner of which is a temporary person and the mosquito – permanent. The human body the parasite Plasmodium is presented in the eri 4:
- P. malaria the four malaria;
- P. vivax — falciparum malaria;
- P. ovale — ovale three-day malaria;
- P. falciparum malaria tropical;
Intermediate bursts depending on the pathogen. In addition to all of this anemia, because the parasite affects the blood son of the red blood cells.
Giardia — a protozoan pear-shaped, with two pairs of cores and four lines. The main source is human and pigs. Giardiasis is a common disease, with the primary and damage the liver to the small intestine. The disease can occur in mild or severe form.
Trichomonas flagellates unicellular organisms are pear-shaped, causes the disease trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted disease and affects the genitourinary system. Noticeable that men and women sick, but usually in men, the disease is asymptomatic.
Trypanosoma is a genus of unicellular flagellate protists. Cause serious disease, trypanosomiasis, a deadly threat to the people is the sleeping sickness. The operator of the bedbugs are in trypanosomes, tsetse flies. The host body the parasites multiply under the skin, then penetrate the lymphatic system and the blood. Most of the pathogens in the brain and is located in the spinal cord where it destroys and cells excrete toxins.